Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ch 7 Business Marketing

Business marketing is defined as marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for purposes other than personal consumption. We can say that Transit center is an example of business marketing because the services are offered to companies for employees and employers with the purpose of using their metro cards, Transitchek credit visa, or vouchers for traveling back and forth to work. These products offered through Transit can be used for other purposes, such as travel for family functions and events but the customer has to keep in mind that the services offered has a cap of $230 dollars a month and therefore the customer has to determine if the services is used as a business product or consumer product.

Business-to-business electronic commerce is also used for Transit center services. Transit center offers a feature online that allows the employer to manage the employees account and if products like metro cards need to be ordered and sent to company which is considered bulk. The employer can pay for that service online through Transitchek website. This process eliminates paper order and employers from calling Transit center to order products.

Transit Center has an strategic alliance with all city Transportation. Evens though Transit is non profit Business they still get their products from New York City and other cities in order to provide services to other firms. Each of these products( metro card, visa cards, vouchers) have a price to distribute and that's why there usually are delivery charges. Transit center also works with New York city Transit to keep their customers updated on changes or additions to Transportation.

Transit center understands the importance of customer service. They constantly find ways for their customers to better manage their benefits without hassle at the same time help to attract and retain employees by saving them money on commuting cost. They help to educate the employers and employees about commuter benefits. No customer is more important then the other. If Transit Center continues to provide quality service to companies and stick to their "Every one benefits" they can continue to be the lowest cost provider of employee commuter benefits.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ch 8 Segmenting and Targeting Market

New York City being the largest city in the United States has a transportation system that includes the largest subway system, which is measured by track mileage. In addition to that, other mass Transit that connects buses and trains throughout other cities. The Transportation Market is not only environmental favored by commuters but also a necessity in today’s society. Could you imagine what New City would be like if everyone use cars and even other cities like San Diego or Chicago. I think it would be chaotic. Transit Center targets business commuters in cities but also partnered with transportation organizations, and transit operators across the nation. With New City Mass transit and other Cities as Market segment that have similar product needs working together to create a safe reliable commute each day for workers. 

Transit Center demographic segmentation in the placement of their headquarters is based in New York City not because it has the largest transportation system but also because they Service 11,000 companies, majority of companies based in New York city. People from all ages, gender, social classes, personalities, and Lifestyles use Mass Transit System Nationwide.

Transit Center Targets employee commuters, but if they had a choice I think they would Target everyone since they are non-profit. However the city has to make a profit and that’s why the Transit Center focuses on one segment instead of the cities as a whole. Transit Center allows people who are working to support family, an opportunity to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, preserve our natural resources and support the economy.  

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Additional Post in Regards to Holidays and possible change to commuter benefits

Mass Transit is known for advertising many products on subway carts, buses, billboards etc for Holiday specials. These advertisements and promotions during holidays persuade consumers to shop, shop, and shop.  Most important Transit Center main concern after the holiday is for its commuters to get back in to managing their finances because the holidays can put a whole in your pocket.

Since we are going into holidays and a lot of money will be spent throughout the holidays, savings is crucial! However the benefits for up coming year is in jeopardy for commuters in NYC The monthly transit $230 benefit cap is set to be cut nearly in half to $125 a month at the end of 2011. Which would then gives commuters less leeway  – unless Congress acts to extend it. The Commuter Benefits Equity Act of 2011, which is a regulation for a common cost-of-living adjustment, and for other purposes. Senator Schumer understands New York commuters are challenged in this economic environment and transit operators are under pressure to reduce budget gaps. Tax-free commuter benefits help keep riders on board when fares go up because participants continue to save. Through TransitChek they lessen the commuting costs by offering employees the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars each year. So with the help of commuters expressing this to congress and Mr. Schumer continue support, Transit Center can continue to offer these great benefits. 

Ch 11 Developing and Managing Products

Innovation does exist for Transit Center; the services offered is a new product for commuters who never knew what it meant to save money on their annual commute, until they signed up for Transitchek.  As explained in marketing terms innovation is a product perceived by a potential buyer. It really doesn’t matter whether the product is “ new to the world”. It is new to potential adopter; it is an innovation in this context.  Transit Center has been operating and providing services for years but to many people who join different firms who never herd of Transitchek benefits ,this a product they seek out and want to learn how they can save. A Feature that has been added to the existing product line is Transitchek benefit management online.  Before customers had to get their product like metro cards, Transitchek Visas through order forms or calling the service number for Transit Center sales department.   

Email Address:


The online program offered online allows administrators from the firms the ability to place orders online and make direct payments for the services for each benefit program for their employees. In addition, the employees can also manage their benefits for their Transitchek visa card and their Transit Parking.

An improvement to Transit Center is how the employees of each firm can enroll in and manage their TransitChek commuter benefits account online from any Smartphone or tablet!

Employees can enroll anytime, anywhere. The application that you can download on smart phones allows you check balances on their TransitChek QuickPay Card, a prepaid Visa card, instantly
they can also view the last ten transactions made with their TransitChek QuickPay Card all employees can view the benefits used for the last three months, most important If there's a change in their commute — they can change their benefit. In addition With TransitChek Mobile application, the firm and their employees will also have access to the latest TransitChek information and product news.

Transit Center uses the commuters Reponses for developing new ideas or known as Market research update. This allows the company to determine what it needs to improve on or create for their customers. They formulate reports from more than 500 Transit Center commuters. These reports help then develop a NET promoter Score, which is a commonly used customer loyalty metric. They also see how they meet customers’ expectations. Overall the company did a very good ob exceeding customer expectations on the most important element such as the program is easy to implement and administer, helping save on payroll taxes, and cost effective relative tot other providers. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ch 16 Intergrated Marketing Communications

Marketing communication from each promotion mix element such as personal selling,advertising, sales promotion, and public relation are combined to get the attention of consumers. Consumer themselves don't recognize these elements, the consumer usually gets the message through Ads or advertising. However these elements are responsible for communicating with consumer directly or indirectly.

Transit Center is predominately focused on personal selling, public relations, and advertising. Sales promotion is not an important element for it's target market, for the reason that the benefits that the company offer is already helping commuters for these companies save money and also helps the employer save money. As discussed before in earlier blogs Transit centers target market is commuters for businesses in big cities national. Throughout my blogs I've talked about New York City because this is where the headquarters is located and it's mass transit is enormous compared to other cities. Transit center incorporates personal selling when the sales representatives goes to these companies face to face with human resources/payroll they present their services with a presentation which the employees can also be present. Their services are advertised on mass transit subway, buses, and products. Also events help advertise Transit Center publicly. These events are partnered with organizations to advertise their services and at the same time allows the public, businesses, and commuters understand Transit Centers mission. Transit center ultimate goal is help commuters of business gain awareness of how they can help reduce traffic in big cities and better the air quality.

Transit center message can be interpersonal communication and mass communication. Being that sales representatives deal with these companies face to face it helps the receivers better understand the services offered. Mass communication is conveyed through advertisements and events that help commuters again awareness.

Another way Transit Center conveys it's message is through twitter. Transit Center uses Twitter as a social network that keeps readers updated for events and things that are happening in the environment. They also post links to other websites pertaining to topics on their tweets so you can get a better understanding of current events.

Some examples of Tweets

@TransitChek TransitCenter’s President and CEO discusses potential reduction in $230 transit benefit cap on CNBC.COM
14 Oct via web

Today is World Ozone Day. Switch from driving to mass transit as a way to help preserve the Ozone Layer.
16 Sep via web

Traffic is growing longer and more painful in cities around the world, according to IBM’s Global Commuter Pain Study.
9 Sep via web

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ch 10 Product Concept

As explained in chapter 10, a product is more then tangible good it can also be services and ideas.  Transit Center offers its commuter benefits (Transitchek) to employees in different companies as a service.  The services can mostly be classified as a consumer product.  Specifically in NYC, metro cards are used to produce the services for commuters. In addition to that Transit Center thinks of innovative products for example web based ordering and mobile apps that assist commuters and allows them to manage their benefits.

You can really categorize consumer products for Transit center because the service you decide to choose is easy to implement and prices for your commuter benefits varies depending on what you determine would be your monthly expenses. Generally speaking, Transit Center services are the lowest cost provider for employee commuter benefits. It not a benefit that anyone can have because it specifically offered to employees of companies.  However this is an option by the consumer/ commuter to decide if the services are suited to their personal wants.

For Transit Center or Transitchek the product mix would consist of different forms of payment for public transportation i.e. Metro cards, Transitchek visa, and vouchers. These can either be directly delivered to the companies or employee’s homes.

Transit Center is typically branded as Transitchek because Transitchek is the service that is provided by Transit center. Most employees who have or know someone that has Transitchek commuter benefits recognize that Transit center logo or term is located on back of metro cards recognizes Transitchek cursive   or   .  These logos can be found on items used to promote the company( umbrellas, pens, bags etc. ) even on subway trains. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ch 18 Sales promotion and Personal selling

       When it comes to sales Transit center is focused on relationship selling. After the sales Representatives get the company to enroll in Transit center services "closing the sale" they follow up the company to ensure the company is introducing the services or enrolling their employees. The more employees enrolled the bigger tax break on payroll for the company. The company saves money and so does the employees on their pre tax benefit. The sales representative may also want to make sure that the employees of each of the companies understand what Transit center is and what benefits they have after enrolling. They may come to the company and do presentation about their services, to help the employees understand Transit Center system.

       Sells promotion is not really the focal for Transit center. As mentioned before Transit Center does not offer rewards for companies except that it helps save the employee and the employer money. However they can order extra TransitChek products for family members and friends, as long as it is through the employee as a TransitChek participant and within current IRS monthly limits. TransitChek benefits can also be used for transit trips other than between work and home, for example weekend getaways and sporting events. This expanded use of TransitChek does not apply to commuter parking benefits. Since this company already offers benefits it is not necessary to have to create loyalty program, frequent buyer programs rebates, etc. This company is a non-profit company that uses the money to operate the company and provide services for it's commuters. The commuters already recognize that they want to save money. When commuters hear the word "save" they are already entice to learn more about the service or enroll. Therefore Transit center does not have to introduce sales promotions to persuade commuters. The sales representatives is left to build relationship between companies who are already enrolled.

Even though this company does not have a loyalty marketing program, in a sense the commuter is rewarded because Transitchek card provides tax free-savings nationwide as a part of its benefit program. The card has made it easier and more convenient for it commuters to use their tax free dollars to pay for transit which is rewarding in itself. At the same time Transit center offers this prepaid Transitchek visa card that the commuters can use and Transit Center can also market it's brand.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ch.17 Advertising and Public Realtions

In terms of type of advertising, Transit Center can best be described as a Product Advertising company.  They Even though they are non-profit company they still try to persuade other companies to enroll employees into Transit Center commuter benefit program. In other words they are still selling a service to these companies, with intent to show companies how they and the employee can benefit from the services offered through Transit Center’s transitchek program.  Transit Center focuses on identifying the service products without emphasis the actual products like vouchers, metro cards, or transitchek credit cards.

            Transit Center conveys it message by using common advertising appeals. The three that are used by this company is Profit, Convenience, and Environmental Consciousness.  The first being Profit as discussed before the main purpose why companies and employees enroll in commuter transit benefits is to save money.  Employees pay for their commute, tax-free with flexibility to set aside up to $230.00 a month for mass transit use and if need $230.00 for commuter.  Convenience is another element that appealing, many commuters like that they don’t have to go to purchase the product. The transitchek credit cards, vouchers, or metro cards can be mailed to your house or the company you work for. The commuter is also able to manage their Transitchek account online, Smartphones, and Tablets. The last advertising appeal is environmental consciousness, which is most important to why the company exist. Transit Center is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage the greater use of mass transit in order to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. For many being able to create a healthier cleaner environment is what they value. Some commuters are environmental conscious and refuse to drive if they don’t have to.   

With Transit Center education and awareness activities you can say two of major public relation tools that is used by the company is consumer education and sponsorship. They participate in Dress for Success, which is also a non-profit organization that helps the unfortunate women by giving them professional attire for the business field to assist in finding a job. In addition to that transit center also sponsors to organization like breast cancer Earth Day.  Being associated with these important renowned organization help promote and get commuters and companies to know who Transit center is.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ch 15 Retailing

Transit Center does not have a retail location. They use their sales marketing representatives team to introduce their services to companies. As discussed before in the previous chapter this companies main headquarters is located in New York City. Transit Center sells its services at a discounted rate depending how many employees sign up for transit center commuter benefits. The discount rate is also determined by company nonprofit or profit status. The nonprofit rate for companies is at 3.9 % with a $18 shipping cost for either metro cards, vouchers, or credit cards to the HR administrators of the companies. The HR administrator then distributes the product to their employees which is reflected on payroll. Profit companies are offered a rate 4.5% at shipping cost $18. The discounted rate is offered less to nonprofit companies because they get a tax break.

When looking at a retailing mix for transit center it can be broken down into personnel, product, and promotion. I didn't include presentation and place because they don't have a physical place for the public to distribute Transit Center commuter benefits, with the exception of a replacement center. A replacement center is a place that commuters can go to if they loss their metro cards. If their Transit credit card is lost they have to contact customer service.
Transit Center personnel and customers service is key component in maintaing relationships with companies. A sales representatives and account managers task is to go to different companies to try to sell their services and also follow up with companies that already have an account with Transit center. Customer service is in place for commuters and companies to call when they lose their product or questions pertaining to accounts. The product that is offered through Transit Center are metro cards, vouchers, and credit cards ; this gives commuters a range. Some commuters prefer having a metro card others a credit card to purchase a metro card from a kiosk. Vouchers are usually offered to companies out of New York City who have a different transportation system.
Promotion is another important component for Transit Center. When personnel travels to these companies to promote their services there are gifts that have Transit Center's name. Transit center also partners up with other organizations for events that give away gifts like t-shirts, pens, umbrellas, bags, metro card holders,etc are distributed to the public. This is a great way for the company to promote their service or products.

A retail establishment that I visited earlier this weekend to accompany my sister was Sephora. It was quite interesting visiting this this retail store. When you think of Sephora you instantly think of makeup, but to my surprise they sell products for beauty, makeup, fragrance, skincare, and hair for both male and female. At this chain operated store you can get a complete make over with the exception of clothing. When you first walk in you smell this nice aroma that is very pleasing to the noise. You also see bright and vibrant colors that are appealing to the eyes. The music is very up beat. I would say their target market is geared towards women of all ages who are into fashion. Then you have these sales representatives walking around to assist their customers with basket of goods that they giveaway to promote different products. You can classify Sephora as a full service shop that offers a variety of products with different price ranges. They also have stations where the customer can get their makeup done and manicures as a free trial. In addition to representatives assistance there are tv screens that show tutorials of how to use products. This is a great way to allow their customers to try the product before buying. When you go to checkout you are offered more samples and gifts which can also be a great promotion strategy. I believe this company is very successful in what they are doing and they are really dominating the cosmetic and beauty industry because of the range in products and prices.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ch. 6 Consumer Decision Making

Consumer Decision Making

Commuters want and need to get to work daily therefore they need to pay to travel with mass transit or even pay to park. Transit commuters have to decide if Transit Center benefits are for them in long run. For example New york city employee and employers commuters have to determine whether transit benefits is the best service. They evaluate the cost for a regular metro if they had not signed signed up for transit benefits. It is a psychological factor as well, many people like to see what they are getting themselves into before purchasing product or service. These consumers may practice extensive decision making. They do their research before selecting this service. Transit center allows their commuter to choose their monthly expenses for commuting up to 230 dollars a month versus MTA where they offer standard  monthly and weekly metro cards and pay as you go. Transit center benefits allows you to choose your monthly expenses for both parking and mass transit, at the same time allows you to save with it's  pre-tax benefit. Once employees enroll in your company's TransitChek Program, they choose the amount from their paycheck to go toward their commute.  That amount gets deducted before taxes. Then commuters receive a commuter benefit product, either a card, pass or voucher, which will allow them to pay for commuting expenses, tax-free. This is an example of giving consumers flexibility and assurance that their money is being used properly.

Transit center tries to reduce discordance from consumers by allowing them to go online and manage benefits also using web friendly site to show commuters how much they are saving with transit commuter benefits. In addition to that tells commuters who care about the environment they live how they save money and reduce carbon emissions.

The stages of consumer decision making process:

The first stage that would lead a employee/commuter to enroll in Transit Center is the Need recognition of transit. Commuters know that they need mass transit to travel from home to work and back. Commuter in new york city for example will instantly think of purchasing metro cards to get them around mass transit. The objective is saving!

The information search takes place when companies are introduce to Transit Center Benefits. When the company has enrolled, the human resources department then introduce the services to employees of the company and inform them what Transit Center is about and how these are benefits for their employees. The employees then have to determine if this program benefits them. They start the comparison from purchasing the metro card directly from MTA kiosk or to save through transit center Transitchek program. Needless to say Transit center has helped over 500,000 employees save more than $110 million in taxes, while employers have saved over $35 million in payroll taxes. In addition Transit center sends out a positive message that attracts it's customers " Everyone benefits".

For the alternative evaluation stage its not very important because there are not too many employee commuter benefit programs that offer service such as Transit Center. The consumer does not have to compare services. Transit center service allows commuters to choose the amount from their paycheck to go toward their commute.  That amount gets deducted before taxes. It's that easy !

When employees are enrolled in Transit Center commuter benefit program and they start to understand how effective and convenient this service is, the "purchase" of service have been completed. However the post purchase behavior of the individual is to determine if this service has saved them money for the year.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ch.5 Developing a Global Vision

Transit center is not known for globalizing their services, however they market to major cities national like Chicago, SanFransico , Philadelphia, Seattle, Boston, Delaware valley, New Jersey and of course New York City. Even though they don't offer services world wide they still share a common interest with the world, which is to reduce carbon emissions.

"Several countries have indicated in recent months that they will go carbon neutral, led by Costa Rica, New Zealand and Norway. The United Nations system itself, led by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and guided by the UNEP-led Environment Management Group, is moving towards carbon neutrality. UNEP is also facilitating carbon neutrality in all sectors and all regions through its climate neutral network." found on

Transit center headquarters is located in New York City. Their strategy for it's national marketing is to offer the same services to commuters national. New York city may use Transitchek credit cards for commuter to purchase their metro cards. Nonetheless transit has one service for it's market and promotes it the same way in these big cities. The only difference is the transportation system that is used is different.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ch 4 The Marketing Environment

Transit Center’s target market is, of course the employees and employers of companies. They understand that today people are always looking for a bargain and people want to save.  They try to look for new ways to enhance benefits packages with TransitChek Programs. Transit offers two separate packages that company can choose best to suit that particular company and its employees. They have IRS-approved pretax benefit which not only saves employees money, also companies saves. And, the more employees the companies have enrolled, the more that company saves. They offer resources to help companies calculate how much their company can save on payroll taxes. In addition to that offering resources to help commuters calculate their savings each moth. This Transit offers their services because they recognize the external environment factors such as the raising prices of gas and increasing commuter cost. 

 Here is resourceful tool that is used by Transit Center to help its 
commuters estimate what they are saving Annually. 
Commuter Savings with TransitCenter


Commuter Savings with TransitChek $ 
Enrolling in a TransitCenter program could net you anannual savings of $1836.

This one is used to help Companies Calculate payroll Tax savings ( note these are estimates) 
Commuter Savings with TransitChek
Company Payroll Tax Savings $